New translations
The Dutch Jules Verne Society regularly issues publications on various topics, among others new translations of Jules Verne’s works.
Many of Jules Verne’s stories have been translated to Dutch. Most famous are the so-called blue covers, a series that comprises 51 volumes. When Elsevier stopped publishing new translations, other publishers filled the gap. Some novels remain untranslated, just like many theatre plays, poems and other texts.
From time to time, the Dutch Jules Verne Society publishes translations of these stories that have never appeared in Dutch. Translated by our members, these texts are now available to the Dutch reader.
Edgar Poe en zijn werk

Edgar Poe en zijn werk is an essay by Jules Verne in which he discusses and analyses the life and works of the American author Edgar Allan Poe.
De graaf van Chanteleine

In De graaf van Chanteleine, Jules Verne shows his abilities as a writer of historical fiction. Against the backdrop of the uprising in the Vendée, during the French Revolution, he describes the adventures of the Count of Chanteleine. The book contains detailed historical background information.
Het geheim van Wilhelm Storitz

Het geheim van Wilhelm Storitz is the story of a rejected lover, who avenges himself in a terrible way, using a mysterious invention he inherited from his father. The story combines geographical descriptions of the regions along the Danube with a plot in the tradition of the gothic novel.

Jeugdherinneringen takes the reader on a journey of discovery through the life of Jules Verne, guided by a diverse collection of texts that have never before been published in Dutch. Each text is put in its historic and biographic context in a short introduction by an expert in the field.
Mrs. Branican

Jules Verne’s novel Mistress Branican has long remained untranslated to Dutch. After a serialisation in the Verniaan, the novel is now published as an illustrated volume.
De reis door het onmogelijke

De reis door het onmogelijke (Voyage à travers l’impossible) is the first Dutch translation of this curious play by Jules Verne. This edition contains a preface by prof.dr. Robert Pourvoyeur.

A novel about a group of students who win a trip along the Antillian islands. A gang of pirates, however, has very different plans with the ship…
Het tweede vaderland

Jules Verne’s sequel to The Swiss Family Robinso, by Johann David Wyss. This story of a shipwrecked family was one of his favourites when he was young.