Een Drama in Lijfland

(Click to enlarge.)
Een Drama in Lijfland contains two translated novels by Jules Verne that have never appeared in a volume. These novels are Een Drama in Lijfland (Un drame en Livonie, 1904) and De Piraten van het Vuurtoreneiland (Le phare du bout du monde, 1905).
These two stories were published in the 1950s as a serial in the magazine Sjors van de Rebellenclub. The translation of both texts was done done by Cornelis Helling. Mr Helling was one of the most influential Jules Verne experts worldwide, and one of the founders of the Société Jules Verne in France.
After previous editions in paperback and hardcover, both sold out, this paperback is the third edition of Een Drama in Lijfland. The book contains 280 pages, and is printed in black and white with a full-colour cover. All original illustrations are included.
ISBN: 978-90-78363-02-6
© 2007, 2010 – Jules Verne Genootschap
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