Collector’s compendia

(Click to enlarge.)
The Jules Verne collector’s compendia in pocketsize (A5) are an essential tool for the collector. All relevant information from the
Jules Verne bibliography is presented in orderly tables. These overviews are complemented by
full-colour illustrations.
In the compendium, the collector can take notes of which books he already has, and see at a glance which editions are still missing
in his collection.
So far, the following compendia have appeared:

(Click to enlarge.)
Compendium 1 describes all editions of Jules Verne in the Dutch language from 1864 to 1948.
ISBN: 978-90-78363-03-3 -
Compendium 2 describes all editions of Jules Verne in the Dutch language from 1949 to 2006.
ISBN: 978-90-78363-04-0 -
Comic strips
Compendium 3 contains an overview of comic strips published since 1944. Besides images of the covers, the compendium shows a photo of the first page of each story.
ISBN: 978-90-78363-05-7 -
Blue covers
Compendium 4 deals with the so-called ‘blue covers’ that were published between 1875 and 1982 by Van Santen, Robbers and Elsevier. Each title is described in 1–2 pages, complete with illustrations (blue covers as well as sewn books). The number of printings of all the different bindings is given.
This compendium was published as a special edition, and presented to the members of the Dutch Jules Verne Society in April, 2005, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Jules Verne’s death.
The compendia are sold out and will not be reprinted.