From the archive
On these pages, we present a unique, regularly updated selection of items from the archive of the Dutch Jules Verne Society. Those who are interested are advised to visit these pages once a month. New additions are announced through our newsletter and through our RSS feed (in Dutch only).
Most recent addition

Earlier selections:
- An unlikely meeting in 1881
- The elusive Dutch fourth edition of Around the world in 80 days published by the Koster brothers (1877)
- A theatre programme booklet for Around the world in 80 days, Antwerp (1909)
- Was Dozy’s globe of 1881–1882 more than seventy years ahead of its time?
- The Lebègue series advertised in Het Weekblad van Yperen (1892)
- The movie An impossible journey shown in 1906
- Het boek voor de jeugd (The book for young people, 1938)
- Books sold by Albert Heijn grocery stores (1942–1943)
- An original subscription form for the Jules Verne series published by Lebègue (around 1891)
- Around the world in The Netherlands, in books and by-products (1874–1877)
- A 19th century rhyme picture book of Around the World in 80 days (J. Vlieger)
- De Kindervriend, an as yet unexplored Belgian children’s journal with unknown Verne stories: a call for assistance
- Dating a theatrical performance of Michael Strogoff
- A selection of items referring to the movie “Around the world in 80 days” (1956)
- Verne title taken out of context (1927)
- An alternative cover used for the Van Santen books (1875–1876)
- Around the world: from 80 days to 4 hours and 55 minutes
- The jubilee edition by Hollandsch Uitgevers Fonds (1929)
- Calendar based on Jules Verne’s Extraordinary Voyages (1956)
- Three programmes for the silent film Mathias Sandorf (1921)