Het geheim van Wilhelm Storitz

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Jules Verne’s novel Le Secret de Wilhelm Storitz was published in 1910, five years after the author’s death. At publisher Hetzel’s request, Verne’s son Michel had adapted his father’s manuscript, making several important changes. The Dutch Jules Verne Society publishes the first Dutch translation of this novel, over a century after its first publication in French.
Het geheim van Wilhelm Storitz is the story of a rejected lover, who avenges himself in a terrible way, using a mysterious invention he inherited from his father. The story combines geographical descriptions of the regions along the Danube with a plot in the tradition of the gothic novel.
This hardcover edition of Het geheim van Wilhelm Storitz, bound in a full-colour cover, contains 192 pages. All the original engravings are included, some in full colour.
ISBN: 978-90-78363-20-0
© 2015 – Jules Verne Genootschap
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Het geheim van Wilhelm Storitz costs € 10 for members of the Dutch Jules Verne Society, and € 18 for non-members.
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