
(Click to enlarge.)
Jeugdherinneringen takes the reader on a journey of discovery through the life of Jules Verne, guided by a diverse collection of texts that have never before been published in Dutch. Each text is put in its historic and biographic context in a short introduction by an expert in the field.
The book Jeugdherinneringen contains the following texts:
Jules Verne’s only autobiographical text, about his childhood in Nantes.
Uit de dichtbundel van Jules Verne
An adolescent’s poetry: love, politics and more.
Jonkheer Chimpansee
Opéra-comique about a Dutch zoologist.
Over de Géant
Essay on Nadar’s balloon and the development of aviation.
De meridianen en de kalender
Geographical paper on meridians and time differences.
Jules Verne in Philippeville
An account of Verne’s visit to Northern Africa on board his yacht.
Aan de morfine
Ode to the salutary effects of morphine.
Inauguratie van het stadscircus van Amiens
Festive speech at the opening of a controversial building.
Jules Verne thuis
Interview with Verne on his youth, his interests and his methods.
Een studiereis
Verne’s last, unfinished novel, about a journey through Africa.
This paperback edition of Jeugdherinneringen contains 210 pages, and is printed in black and white with a full-colour cover.
ISBN: 978-90-78363-12-5
© 2008 – Jules Verne Genootschap
Order Jeugdherinneringen
Jeugdherinneringen costs € 17 for members of the Dutch Jules Verne Society, and € 20 for non-members. Shipping costs within the Netherlands are € 5. For shipment to other countries, we will give you a quote. You can also pick up your order at our next meeting. You can order one or more copies by filling out the form below. Note: we will only ship your order after your payment has been received.