Reprints of old translation
The Dutch Jules Verne Society regularly issues publications on various topics, among others reprints of old translations of Jules Verne’s works.
Of those of Jules Verne’s stories that have been translated to Dutch, many are quite elusive nowadays. Some books have only been printed in small numbers and are quite rare today. Other translations were never even published in a volume, but only as a series in a periodical.
The Dutch Jules Verne Society has republished some of these lesser known translations. The original translation is respected, even if it is not always complete and unabridged. Most books are illustrated with the original engravings, which had often been left out of the original Dutch editions.
Het bestuurbare eiland

Het bestuurbare eiland (L’Ile à hélice) was first published in Dutch by Vivat, in 1900. The Dutch Jules Verne Society has published a completely revised edition of this novel, this time with all the original illustrations.
Een Drama in Lijfland

This paperback contains two novels by Jules Verne that had never appeared in Dutch in a volume before: Een Drama in Lijfland en De Piraten van het Vuurtoreneiland. These stories were originally published in the magazine Sjors van de Rebellenclub. This edition contains the original illustrations for both novels.
De gebroeders Kip

De gebroeders Kip (Les frères Kip) was first published in Dutch by Vivat, in 1903. The Dutch Jules Verne Society has published a completely revised edition of this novel, this time with all the original illustrations.
De lotgevallen van de beroemde luchtreizigers Michel Ardan, Barbicane en Nicholl

De lotgevallen van de beroemde luchtreizigers Michel Ardan, Barbicane en Nicholl was the very first Dutch translation of De la Terre à la Lune, published in 1871 as an anonymous, unauthorised edition without illustrations. The Dutch Jules Verne Society has republished this little known translation.
Meester der Wereld

Meester der Wereld (Maître du Monde) was first published in Dutch by Dalmeijer, in 1908. The Dutch Jules Verne Society has published a completely revised edition of this novel, this time with all the original illustrations.
P’tit Bonhomme

For years, it had been assumed that P’tit-Bonhomme was one of the five novels by Jules Verne that had never been translated to Dutch, until the existence of a translation was discovered at the end of 2005. This translation, titled P’tit Bonhomme, was serialised in the magazine Jong Holland. The first edition in a volume, and the first edition since 1893, has been published by the Dutch Jules Verne Society.
Het verbazingwekkende avontuur van de Barsac-Missie

Het verbazingwekkende avontuur van de Barsac-Missie was first published in Dutch by Ridderhof. The Dutch Jules Verne Society has published a completely revised edition of this novel, this time with all the original illustrations.
Meer informatie over Het verbazingwekkende avontuur van de Barsac-Missie