From the archive
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An alternative cover used for the Van Santen books (1875–1876)
The first twelve titles of the Dutch language edition of Jules Verne’s Voyages extraordinaires (Wonderreizen) were published by Van Santen in 1875–1876. They marked the beginning of a series of 51 uniform post 8o-sized books, which are well known in their traditional blue linen covers, and of which the complete possession forms the pride of any Dutch Jules Verne collector.
Recently, a number of these Van Santen titles were found in another book cover, which resembles the one used by his predecessor W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink for five Verne titles in 1871–1875.
When first found, this “new” cover was dismissed as a result of private binding. As more copies emerged, and particularly several of the same title, it became clear that this was also an original Van Santen cover. The identical characteristic lettering on the front cover used for the author’s name and for the title betrays the common origin of the two versions. The newly found cover was most likely meant for those who wished to continue collecting Verne books in the Tjeenk Willink style.

Photographs of the alternative cover

Overview of copies found so far
This table lists all titles published by Van Santen, as well as the details of the new covers found so far.
Number | Title | Colour | Year | Edition | Source |
1 | De reis om de wereld in 80 dagen | blue | 1876 | 3 | coll. Saariste |
brown | coll. Akkerman | ||||
red? | 1877 | 5 | scan in archive Waij | ||
2 | De reis naar de maan in 28 dagen | ||||
3 | De kinderen van Kapitein Grant: Zuid Amerika | green | 1876 | 1 | coll. H. Gorter |
4 | De kinderen van Kapitein Grant: Australië | pink | 1876 | 1 | coll. Saariste |
green | coll. H. Gorter | ||||
5 | De kinderen van Kapitein Grant: Stille Zuidzee | pink | 1876 | 1 | seen on internet |
green | coll. H. Gorter | ||||
6 | 20.000 mijlen onder zee: Oostelijk halfrond | ||||
7 | 20.000 mijlen onder zee: Westelijk halfrond | ||||
8 | Vijf weken in een luchtballon | ||||
9 | Geheimzinnige Eiland: Luchtschipbreukelinge | ||||
10 | Geheimzinnige Eiland: Verlatene | ||||
11 | Naar het middelpunt der aarde | green | 1877 | 1 | coll. Akkerman |
12 | Michael Strogoff, de koerier van den czaar |